Learn the chords

In this section you will learn how to play some basic guitar chords. You will need these to play songs. To make sure you play the chords correctly, there's a few guidelines you should follow:

Press firmly
Make sure you press each finger down so that you're pressing each string against the fretboard. This gives it a clean sound. If you don't push the string down hard enough you will hear a buzzing sound instead.

One finger per string
Make sure that only one finger is touching each string. A lot of times you will probably find one of your fingers touching a neighboring string. Make sure that each finger is only touching the strings needed and not resting on neighboring strings.

Before we get into the learning the chords, you will have to remember this to know where to place each finger.

1 - index finger
2 - middle finger
3 - ring finger
4 - pinky finger

Let's start by learning how to play an A major chord:
1. Place your 1st finger (index finger) on the 2nd fret - 4th string (D string)
2. Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret - 3rd string (G string)
3. Place your 3rd finger on the 2nd fret - 2nd string (B string)

(The 'X' means this string is not played)
Try strumming it a few times until you get a nice clean sound. Don't get overly concerned if you're strumming the 6th string as well. Getting the right technique takes time. As for now you should only worry about getting the chords right. Strumming will come naturally. 

The next chord we will learn is a D major chord:
1. Place your 1st finger on the 2nd fret - 3rd string (G string)
2. Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret - 2nd string (B string)
3. Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret - 1st string (E string)

The last and final chord at this page will be an E major chord:
1. Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret - 5th string (A string)
2. Place your 3rd finger on the 2nd fret - 4th string (D string)
3. Place your 1st finger on the 1st fret - 3rd string (G string)

Now you have learned to play three of the most basic guitar chords. Practice strumming the chords and make sure they give a clean sound. If not, try to locate the problem and fix it (Are any of your fingers touching strings they are not supposed to? - Are you pressing hard enough?)

When you feel comfortable in playing these chords, you can move on to learning your first song. 

Here's a tutorial video from YouTube on Bob Marley's 'Three little birds'. The chords used to play this song are the same as the ones you just learned at this page:

A major
D major
E major


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